“Unlocking the agri-food sector’s climate change mitigation potential through biodiversity restoration and protection.”

| Mission.

We are dedicated to unlocking the agri-food sector's significant potential as a driver of climate change mitigation. Representing up to one third of the mitigation potential required to meet climate targets, our mission goes beyond. We aim to actively protect and restore biodiversity, recognizing the interconnectedness of these critical goals. Aligned with eight distinct SDGs, our innovative solution rooted in regenerative principles creates systemic impact, ensuring a sustainable and resilient future for all.

| Our values.

We always follow the latest science on climate and biodiversity.

Conducting scientific research equals acknowledging ignorance. Nevertheless, relying on what the majority of scientists say is our best guess to keep our planet habitable for future generations.

We do not promote a specific ideology.

We acknowledge that every perspective needs to be take into account to build a resilient economy. Sticking to one specific ideology is not goal-oriented but merely serves to reinforce the status quo on every level.

We promote empathy.

The purpose of ideology is to unit people. We instead unit people by creating shared purpose around a shared long-term vision. Insofar we believe that diversity is key to success. To make this work, we need to be empathic.

We strive for equal valuation of present and future generations.

The future and hence the quality of life of future generations must not be compromised by decisions for action taken today.

We stand for climate justice.

We believe that all life has equal value and view this as the next cognitive revolution. Put simply, this requires each individual to respect planetary boundaries and support those with the least means to protect themselves.